Clint Butler

With more than 15+ years’ of Agency Owner experience working as an advanced SEO, I help companies scale their business with the best content strategies and digital marketing campaigns.

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Google Can Soft 404 Out of Stock Products

Google spokespeople say that product counts shouldn't matter for search, however, users are reporting a different behavior

Google Testing New Look for Visual Stories

Google Web Stories can potentially bring a lot of traffic to the sites lucky enough to be included in the SERP page element, and Google likes to test new looks.

DMCA To Google Results in Homepage Deindexing

A DMCA filed with Google has resulted in Google removing the Reddit homepage from the search results so the doorway to the home of the internet is lost to searches for now.

Google Soft 404 Errors And Deindexing Based On Text Strings

Google users are finding instances where text strings on pages are resulting in soft 404 errors and deindexing of those pages until the strings are removed.

Google Doesn’t Have A Limit On Long HTML Pages

A user asked Google's John Mueller if there was an HTML length limit that Googlebot would crawl, see John's reply, and find out the limits that are there.

December 27 & 28 Update Likely Just Corrections

There are some rumbles amongst SEO's that suggest that Google was updating something, however, since Christmas is over its likely just corrections.