Clint Butler

With more than 15+ years’ of Agency Owner experience working as an advanced SEO, I help companies scale their business with the best content strategies and digital marketing campaigns.

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Google: Internal Link Placement Doesn’t Matter But Is Measured Differently

Google's John Mueller was asked if the placement of internal links on a side mattered from location to location, answers are contradictory from other statements.

Google Business Profiles Showing Service Areas

Google Business Profiles show the areas served even if the business has a location set with their address, but does that feature help you rank in all of those areas?

Google: Deep Subfolders In URLs Doesn’t Matter For SEO

Google's John Mueller stated on Twitter that deep subfolders in URLs do not matter for SEO, however, testing shows that is not always the case for some websites.

Google: 302’s Don’t Work In Reverse

Google's John Mueller explains that 302 redirects don't work in reverse and won't transfer link power from the redirect target back to the original URL.

Google: PDF File Content Is Not Indexed

Google's John Mueller dropped a proverbial dime on how the search engine deals with PDF files and the content in them. Actually, he didn't, but some might claim he did so let's get ahead of it.

Will Adding Fluff to Boost Word Count Hurt Your Google Rankings?

Word count has been a common target for SEO teams to measure competition levels and match, however, is adding that fluff actually hurting your rankings?